FBI withholds Nashville shooter manifesto

by ian


Despite having the manifesto of the shooter for nearly a month, authorities haven’t released that information. Now, Republicans say it is politically motivated.

Audrey Hale, who identified as transgender, shot and killed six people at Covenant School in March. She was also killed by police at the scene. While police seized a manifesto and journals from her home, that information has yet to be released.

Representative Tim Burchett now says the FBI is purposely stalling even though the manifesto could help answer questions about her motives.

But earlier this month, the director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said it was a mischaracterization to call it a manifesto. Republicans are now accusing the FBI of withholding information that might harm the LGBT movement.

Meanwhile, the released 13-page manifesto of Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon shows he was motivated by anti-gun politics. He wanted to prove how easy it was for a person with mental health issues like himself to obtain a gun.