Supreme Court Rules With Trump Admin On “Expedited Removal”

by mcardinal

Ian Patrick, FISM News


The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of President Donald Trump concerning the quick deportation of certain cases in the U.S.  Justice Samuel Alito gave the majority opinion, backed by Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Thomas.  Justices Breyer and Bader Ginsberg sided with the majority vote but had separate opinions than that of Justice Alito.  Justices Sotomayor and Kagan were the two votes against the ruling.

The specific case dealt with a Sri Lankan man who fled persecution for belonging to the Tamil minority ethnic group.  He was found trying to sneak past the border and told the immigration officers of his situation.  A person may be granted asylum if an Immigration Judge finds a Credible Fear of Torture upon return to his or her country.

His claim was rejected by the Judge, and his appeal was rejected by a federal appeals court based on the expedited removal law in place.