A Prayer For The Biden Administration

by sam


“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,  for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2


Heavenly Father, we pray Your blessing and protection over Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and all of his administration. Grant him Your wisdom and guidance during this difficult time for our nation. We pray at all times his heart and mind is centered on You.

At FISM we did not support Biden, in fact prayed for the opposite outcome, but just as You raised up Donald J Trump four years ago to lead our nation, in Your wisdom which we cannot fully understand You have chosen Joseph R Biden to lead in 2021.  We submit to Your sovereign plan.

We pray for the salvation of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and his cabinet. Transform them before our nation to become bold witnesses to the Gospel. Do this for Your glory so that the nation will know that no politician or party can save, but only You. And through You, President Biden can truly become the healing and unifying president he says he wants to be.

And Lord finally we pray for our nation. Lead us through this dark period of political unrest, economic hardship, and disease. Free us and the world from COVID-19 that we may praise your name and appreciate the life we took for granted before the virus. For those who have lost loved ones in the past year we pray for the healing and comfort that only You can grant, and for Your Sovereignty to be lifted among our cries for help.

Thank you for hearing our prayer, Father.  We pray these things in the name of the Son and by the power of the Spirit, amen.

FISM News Staff