According to a Daily Caller report, 97% of all FACE Act prosecutions have been against pro-life Americans. This act is not often used as a charge against individuals but, from 1994 to 2024, it was used in 205 cases against pro-life activists and only six times against abortion activists.
What’s more, the Biden administration has contributed greatly to that statistic in just over three years. According to the data, Biden’s Justice Department has levied more than 25% of the total FACE Act charges in its short 30-year history.
Many of these cases consist of people praying silently outside of abortion clinics. However, according to the Crime Prevention Center, pro-life groups in 2022 experienced over 22 times more violence against them than pro-choice organizations.
All-in-all, this data is adding credibility to accusations that the current DOJ is being weaponized against pro-life Americans.