Seth Udinski, FISM News
Cara Dumaplin, founder of the infant sleep program Taking Cara Babies, has helped thousands of mothers and fathers with the difficult task of teaching their infant children how to sleep through the night. In the last few weeks, she has been under siege on social media when it was revealed that her organization financially supported the campaign of President Donald Trump. Scores of mothers took to Twitter to share their displeasure of the sleep expert:
🚨 Taking Cara Babies is a regular donor to the trump foundation 🚨
— Madi ⋒ (@_LifeinHD) January 20, 2021
yall spending money on taking cara babies and shes sending it right to the trump foundation💀
— morgan🤍 (@mamamorgann) January 20, 2021
The Taking Cara Babies woman is apparently a Trump supporter and donator, so I'm here to say:
-she was always awful
-she's preying on your poor sleep-deprived desperation
-her method never worked
-don't give her money
-her husband being a pediatrician doesn't make her an expert— The Keys of Ulthar (@keysmeys) January 20, 2021
Others on Twitter called her a Nazi and a racist, and some used considerably stronger language to condemn Dumaplin for the what they perceive to be a terrible act of wickedness: supporting Donald Trump.
In a statement to the Arizona Republic, Dumaplin responded to her critics:
I’m in the business of helping babies get sleep and parents reclaiming the joy of parenthood that’s often lost due to sleep deprivation — which has nothing to do with politics. As with many citizens, there were aspects of the Trump Administration that I agreed with and some that I disagreed with…When your baby is up in the middle of the night and you’re exhausted, that’s the most important thing in your world — not who is in the White House.