Clinton campaign supplied media with ‘dirt’ to implicate Trump in Russia hoax according to Durham filing

by mcardinal

Chris Lange, FISM News

Court filings in Special Counsel John Durham’s ongoing investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion hoax reveal that the Clinton campaign flooded certain members of the media with “unverified derogatory information” against then-candidate Donald Trump, as reported by Just the News.

With each new filing in its case against former Clinton Attorney Michael Sussman, who is accused of lying to the FBI, the Durham team exposes yet another thread in an elaborate web of deception by Clinton operatives designed to smear former President Trump in an effort to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Just days after Sussman and Christopher Steele, creator of the debunked “Steele dossier,” presented the FBI with information that would give rise to the Russia collusion probe against Trump, Clinton opposition research team Fusion GPS sent the same information to journalists working for the New York Times, among others.

“Gents good to see you yesterday,” a Fusion GPS executive wrote to NYT reporters in one of the emails. “Sounded like you might be interested in some of the attached russia-related material. these are internal, open source research drafts, as agreed, pls treat this as background/not for attribution. as you’ll see it’s all easily replicated anyway,” the exec continued.

The alliance between the campaign and the Times becomes even more apparent in the next portion of the missive, which reads: “Can also send you a [name]/Toronto memo once i dig it out. I’m skipping over [name] and [company name]. believe your guys have done that up … leave it to you to distribute internally, or not, as you see fit. don’t believe sunny isles/hollywood or panama or toronto have been touched by brands xy or z. amazingly, don’t think anyone has done up the trump tower poker ring story either. pretty vivid color there.”

The email is just a sample of hundreds of similar exchanges between Clinton campaign operatives and journalists that contained “unverified derogatory information” about Donald Trump, according to the filing. The news appears to confirm what Trump supporters and several GOP lawmakers have been saying for over half a decade – that the Russia-Trump narrative was a hoax perpetrated by Clinton operatives to harm a political rival in an election for the highest political office in the country. 

Durham disclosed the emails in a counterargument to the Clinton campaign’s claims that its research efforts against Trump are protected under attorney-client privilege and should therefore not be made public. Durham is essentially using the emails to show that the campaign waived attorney-client privilege when it broadly distributed the information to third parties.

“One of the famous fake news outlets likes to say, ‘Democracy dies in darkness.’ They’re exactly right,” said former Rep. Devin Nunes, who served as the Republican House Intelligence Committee under the Trump administration. The slogan Nunes quoted belongs to the Washington Post, a wide distributor of the Russia-collusion disinformation also named in the Durham filing. “They’re the ones who have created the darkness, and democracy does die. It just happens to be the fake news media that’s actually creating this,” Nunes continued.

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, told Just the News on Friday that the Durham filing shows Americans how deeply-tied the mainstream media is to the Democratic establishment. The filings expose the extent to which they worked together to peddle the Russia hoax in 2016, and, more recently, in their efforts to downplay the Hunter Biden laptop story as disinformation, according to the lawmaker.

“What we all suspected all along is that the Clinton campaign was really pushing this,” Jordan said. “And we didn’t know that they just made it up out of whole cloth. But that looks like exactly what they did.”