Matt Bush, FISM News
President Trump is now accusing Piers Morgan of “unlawfully and deceptively” editing a promotional clip of their recent interview to make it look like he angrily stormed off the set.
The promotional clip put out by Morgan can be seen in the following tweet:
👇👇👇— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 20, 2022
The clip indicates a heated confrontation concluding with Trump appearing to lose his temper, leaving in the middle of the interview. The first line of a recent NewsWeek article states, “Donald Trump stormed out of a testy interview with Piers Morgan after the television presenter insisted the former president lost the 2020 election.”
Today, information brought to light by the Trump camp claims Morgan’s promotional clip was, at least, misleading. Trump’s spokesman, Taylor Budowich, released a tweet with a statement from Trump and the audio clip of the actual end of the interview:
45: Piers Morgan, like the rest of the Fake News Media, attempted to unlawfully and deceptively edit his long and tedious interview with me.
— Taylor Budowich (@TayFromCA) April 21, 2022
In the audio released by Budowich, the interview ends with Morgan and Trump laughing and thanking each other with no evidence of Trump angrily storming off set. Morgan is heard saying, “that was a great interview” followed by Trump responding, “yeah.”
It was a normal ending to a somewhat heated interview between two former friends. The last words you hear from Morgan are, “Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.” At that point, Trump is heard saying, “Turn the camera off.” According to NBC News, “By then, the former president had already risen from his chair, according to his communications director, Taylor Budowich, who supplied the audio to NBC News.”
In a Fox News report about the events leading up to the interview, Morgan explained that in the minutes leading up to the interview, a member of his production team brought him a document with a collection of quotes Morgan made about Trump since the 2020 election. Among other things in the quotes, Morgan called Trump a supreme narcissist, said he had morphed into a monster, and even said that Trump needed to be removed from office after January 6 and that he should never be able to run for President again.
Even after reading those quotes in front of Morgan, Trump agreed to do the interview. In Morgan’s words, the interview was “intended to be a blockbuster exclusive to rocket-launch my new global TV show, ‘Piers Morgan Uncensored.’”
This interview was Morgan’s return to the spotlight after walking off the set of “Good Morning Britain” because of a debate over Meghan Markle. It would appear that he seized the publicity opportunity, leaning on his former friendship with Donald Trump, but like many in the mainstream media, resorted to subversive tactics against the former President for personal gain.
In the world of media and television, promotional videos are made to lure viewers in with sensational implications. However, Trump’s team claims this one goes too far in its deceptive presentation, dishonestly exploiting the former U.S. president for show ratings.