Migrant crisis costs US taxpayers over $150 billion

by ian

A new study shows that the U.S. government bodies have spent $150 billion in taxpayer money on the migrant crisis.

A study from the Federation for Immigration Reform, or FAIR, revealed that most of the funds came from state and local governments. For instance, Massachusetts Republicans are accusing their Democrat-controlled government of quietly poking a $1 billion hole in state funds this past year.

The state Republican party now demands the release of Massachusetts’ full budget spent on migrants. They say residents deserve to know how their tax dollars are spent.

The party told Fox News that the government “withheld critical information on 600 incidents involving police, fire and EMT. Blocking journalists at every turn, the administration has obstructed the flow of information to the public.”

Massachusetts isn’t alone in its migrant spending crisis. California got hit the hardest this past year with $30 billion in migrant funding through taxpayer money. Texas came second with almost $13.5 billion and New York was third with close to $10 billion in taxpayer funds.