Democrat Vice Presidential hopeful Tim Walz is being criticized for reportedly false comments he’s made about IVF, making it the latest in a long string of similar critiques.
During his speech at the DNC, Walz took to the issue of abortion and defended the procedure. He honed in on in-vitro fertilization – or IVF – which has also been the subject of some pro-life state legislation. In defending IVF, Walz reiterated a point he’s made multiple times: that his family wouldn’t be here without IVF.
Now, oddly enough, that statement isn’t totally correct. Although Walz has said this on several occasions, his wife has recently come out to explain that their procedure was different.
Gwen Walz clarified that she and her husband used another process called intrauterine insemination, or IUI. The process differs mainly through the actual insemination process, where IUI’s process still occurs within the female patient and IVF’s process requires egg removal and insemination outside of the patient’s body.
But still, Walz’s comments on his family undergoing IVF were highlighted by Republican Vice Presidential hopeful JD Vance. On Tuesday, Vance responded to one of his IVF comments asking “Who lies about something like that?”
Vance has been a particular thorn in the side of Walz as the two have challenged each other on multiple fronts. Vance previously went after Walz for claims about his military record which he said were used for political gain.
Walz and Democrats have defended his service and accused Vance of disrespecting the armed services for such comments. But other sources seem to corroborate some of Vance’s claims.
For example, Walz once claimed he retired from the Army National Guard as a command sergeant major when he retired as a rank below that one.
His claim of carrying a gun was disputed and labeled “embellished” by some who knew him during his time in the force.
And his retirement happened shortly before his unit was warned that they might be heading to Iraq.
At least one former member of his National Guard unit labeled such claims as an attempt at “stolen valor.”
Walz has fought against all these accusations, but the latest example with this IVF comment further muddies the situation for the VP hopeful. As the New York Post writes, “It demonstrates how the questions being asked are forcing the campaign to do some editorial damage control.”